The circular economy is one of the pillars of sustainability and a strategy targeting to reduce the use of materials and production of waste. As mere recycling or reusing is not enough, it is necessary to rethink the materials along their lifecycle: from the design to make it more sustainable in order to produce, transport, use and ensure a second life of them through recycling or reuse. In fact, the concept of circular economy is increasingly present in society and communities and there are and will be more demanding and restricting European regulations aiming to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, depletion of natural resources and valorization of waste generated while also increases social awareness and knowledge on the circular economy.

This topic of the Circular Economy was the backbone of the 10thedition of Green Week Seminar organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, that took place from Tuesday, April 18th to Monday, 24th. The seminar was attended by more than 100 degree students in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the double degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Biotechnology.

The closure of the Seminar on April 24th included a workshop on innovations in the water vector aligned to the concept of the Circular Economy in which Verónica Gómez (Dow Tarragona Global Water Technology Center R&D Leader) and Alfred Arias (Innovation Support and Learning Leader) shared with the audience the objectives and outcomes of the projects REWATCH and DEMOWARE that are being implemented in the premises of Dow Chemical Ibérica in Tarragona.
